You are here : Quality Control & Assurance > QC Functions > Vendor Rejection Note
Vendor Rejection Note
While 'Adding', select one of the following options by clicking on it.
In case of 'Edit', and 'View', the option will be highlighted automatically for the selected record. It can not be changed.
Select this option by clicking on it if you
want to raise a Vendor Rejection Note for a Vendor for Rejected material
received against a Purchase Order.
Select this option by clicking on it if you
want to raise a Vendor Rejection Note against QC done for Rejected material
received from a Vendor against a Purchase Order.
Select this option by clicking on it if you
want to raise a Vendor Rejection Note against Internal
Rejection Notes raised from Shop Floor against ongoing
Work Orders.
Rejection due to Sub-Contracting
Not in use. Kindly ignore this option.
Rejection due to Raw Material
Select this option by clicking on it if you
want to raise a Vendor Rejection Note for Parent Item that was rejected because of rejected Raw Material received from a Vendor.
Specify the Site of the Vendor Rejection.
While 'Adding', the Site if any specified with the selected Group ( in case of Normal, in case of QC) will be displayed automatically.
Click on the field to access a list of
already defined Sites. Select your desired Site from the list by scrolling
down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter
the Site.
Read more about Site...
Please note that the Site(s) will be displaced/accepted as per the following conditions -
- In case the 'Site Required?' flag (in case of Normal, in case of QC) is ticked through Document Control Master option in Administrator Tools Module, than only those Sites will be displayed which have been linked with the selected Year and QC Group.
- In case the 'Site Required' flag is NOT selected, than all the Sites that have been defined for the current Company through Site Master option of Administrator Tools Module will be displayed
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 6)
While 'Adding',
Number is either generated automatically or entered manually by the
If the flag is selected, a new Vendor Rejection Number will
be automatically generated by the system and incremented by one for current
financial year.
If the flag is not selected, the User can enter a unique
Vendor Rejection Number manually. The system also ensures that the Number entered is
a unique one.
In case of 'Edit', and 'View',
Number of the selected record will be displayed automatically. It can not be changed.
While 'Adding', enter the Date of the Vendor Rejection. Today's date is displayed by default. You can change it but it should be between the 1st and the last date of the Current Period End Date . Press <TAB>.
In case of 'View', and 'Edit', Vendor Rejection Date will be displayed automatically as per the selected Vendor Rejection Number. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.
Specifies the Vendor against whom the Vendor Rejection Note has been raised.
While 'Adding' a new Vendor Rejection Note, click on the
icon to access a list of Vendors already defined through Vendor Master Entry option of Purchase Module. Select your desired Vendor from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. Alternatively you can also enter the Vendor. Press <TAB>.
You can not select a Vendor that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help list will also not display such Vendors.
In case of 'View', and 'Edit', Vendor will be displayed automatically as per the selected Vendor Rejection Number. It can not be changed.
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 2500)
Denotes Remarks related to the Vendor Rejection Note.
While 'Adding' a new Vendor Rejection Note, enter the Remarks, if any related to the Vendor Rejection Note.
In case of 'View', and 'Edit', Remark will be displayed automatically as per the selected Vendor Rejection Number. You can change it in 'Edit' mode.
Click on
button to continue.
Screen Layout of Item Details
Field Description of Item Details
Item Details
Once the above criteria is specified, a grid will be displayed as follows -
Following grid will be displayed -
While 'Adding' a new Vendor Rejection Note, a blank grid will be displayed to enter Items.
In case of 'View', and 'Edit', this grid will be automatically populated and displayed with Items and other related details belonging to the selected Vendor Rejection Note.
The grid is explained as follows -
Click on the
button to add a new Item in the grid. A new row will be added
as a result.
Please note following fields. Some of the fields are for your information purpose.
Click on the
icon to remove a record from the list. Click on the 'Delete' icon again to un-delete the record.
Item Code:
Click on the
icon to access a list of Items which have already been linked with the selected Vendor through Item Vendor Purchase Master Entry option in Purchase Module. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. Press <TAB>.
You can not select an Item that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help list will also not display such items.
Please note that Inventory Settings should have been done for the selected Item through Warehouse Inventory option of Store & Inventory Module. Otherwise the system will display an appropriate message.
Displays name of the selected Item Code.
Warehouse Code:
Click on the field to access a list of Warehouses which have already been linked with the selected Item through Warehouse Inventoryoptions in Store & Inventory Module. Select your desired Warehouse from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Warehouse Code. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Warehouse has been entered or not.
You can not select a Warehouse that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The Help list will also not display such Warehouses.
Warehouse Description:
Displays name of the selected Warehouse Code.
GRN Ref No:
Denotes the GRN Number against which the selected Item has been received.
Click on the field to access a list of authorized GRNs through which the current Item has been received. Select your desired GRN Number from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the GRN Document Code in the format of Year/Group/Site/Number. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Number has been entered or not.
Please note that only those GRN's will be displayed for which the Rejection Quantity is still less than the received quantity.
GRN Date:
Automatically displays the Date of the selected GRN for your information. You can not change it.
PO Ref No:
Denotes the PO Number against which the selected Item has been received.
Click on the field to access a list of authorized Purchase Orders against which the GRN has been done for the selected Item. Select your desired PO Number from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the PO Document Code in the format of Year/Group/Site/Number. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Number has been entered or not.
PO Date:
Automatically displays the Date of the selected PO for your information. You can not change it.
GRN IUOM Accepted Qty:
Automatically displays the received quantity of selected Item through selected GRN Number in Internal Unit of Measurement for your information. You can not change it.
GRN PUOM Accepted Qty:
Automatically displays the received quantity of selected Item through selected GRN Number in Purchase Unit of Measurement for your information. You can not change it.
GRN Alrd Rej Qty (IUOM):
Automatically displays the till now rejected quantity of selected Item received through selected GRN Number in Internal Unit of Measurement for your information. You can not change it.
Rej IUOM :
(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)
Denotes the quantity of Item being rejected through this document.
Click on the field. Now enter the quantity of Item to be Rejected. The sum of 'GRN Alrd Rej Qty(IUOM)' and 'Rej IUOM' should not be more than the 'GRN IUOM Accepted Qty'. Neither should it be more than the available Onhand Qty of the selected Item.
Automatically converts and displays the Rejected Quantity (Internal Unit of Measurement ) into Purchase Unit of Measurement by using the Purchase Conversion Factor as entered through Item Master Purchase - Entry option of Purchase Module. You can not change this field.
Reason Code:
Specify the reason of rejection.
Click on the field to access a list of already defined Reasons though Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'RJ') option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Reason from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Reason Code.
Specify remarks if any related to the rejection.
Click on the field. Now start typing in your text in the white space. Press <TAB>.
Following grid will be displayed -
While 'Adding' this grid will be populated with all authorized QCs entered for the selected Vendor through QC Entry for GRN option for whom Vendor Rejection Notes have not been raised yet.
In case of 'View', and 'Edit', this grid will be automatically populated and displayed with Items and other related details belonging to the selected Vendor Rejection Note.
You can not add or delete any row in this grid.
Click on a particular QC Reference to include it in the Vendor Rejection Note.
Following grid will be displayed -
In the above screen-shot of the grid, Vendor Rejection is being made against the Internal Rejection generated for "Handlebar Grid" that was received on the shop floor against its respective Work Order. The GRN No and PO no of the "Handlebar Grip" against which it was received in the Warehouse is also mentioned.
While 'Adding' this grid will be populated with all authorized Internal Rejection Notes raised for the Items linked with the selected Vendor. Please note that only those Internal Rejections will be considered that have been created on or before the entered Date.
In case of 'View', and 'Edit', this grid will be automatically populated and displayed with Items and other related details belonging to the selected Vendor Rejection Note.
Please note following fields. Some of the fields are for your information purpose.
Item Code:
Automatically displays the Item Code of the Internal Rejection Number for your reference. It can not be changed.
Internal Rejection No:
Automatically displays the Internal Rejection Number of the Item for your reference. It can not be changed.
Internal Rejection Date:
Automatically displays the Date of Internal Rejection Number for your reference. It can not be changed.
Displays name of the selected Item Code.
Warehouse Code:
Automatically displays the Warehouse linked with the Item through Warehouse Inventoryoption of Store & Inventory Module for your information. It can not be changed.
Warehouse Description:
Displays name of the selected Warehouse Code.
GRN Ref No:
Denotes the GRN Number against which the selected Item has been received.
Click on the fiel to access a list of authorized GRNs through which the current Item has been received. Select your desired GRN Number from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the GRN Document Code in the format of Year/Group/Site/Number. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Number has been entered or not.
Please note that only those GRN's will be displayed for which the Rejection Quantity is still less than the received quantity.
GRN Date:
Automatically displays the Date of the selected GRN for your information. You can not change it.
PO Ref No:
Denotes the PO Number against which the selected Item has been received.
Click on the field to access a list of authorized Purchase Orders against which the GRN has been done for the selected Item. Select your desired PO Number from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the PO Document Code in the format of Year/Group/Site/Number. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Number has been entered or not.
PO Date:
Automatically displays the Date of the selected PO for your information. You can not change it.
Int Rej IUOM Accepted Qty:
Automatically displays the Internal Rejection quantity of selected Item in Internal Unit of Measurement for your information. You can not change it.
Int Alrd Rej Qty (IUOM):
Automatically displays the till now rejected quantity of selected Item received through selected GRN Number in Internal Unit of Measurement for your information. You can not change it.
GRN Pending Qty:
Automatically displays the quantity of Item pending to be receive for your information. It can not be changed.
Rej IUOM :
(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)
Denotes the quantity of Item being rejected through this document.
Click on the field. Now enter the quantity of Item to be Rejected. The sum of 'Int Alrd Rej Qty(IUOM)' and 'Rej IUOM' should not be more than the 'Int Rej IUOM Accepted Qty'. Neither should it be more than the available Onhand Qty of the selected Item.
Automatically converts and displays the Rejected Quantity (Internal Unit of Measurement ) into Purchase Unit of Measurement by using the Purchase Conversion Factor as entered through Item Master Purchase - Entry option of Purchase Module. You can not change this field.
Reason Code:
Specify the reason of rejection.
Click on the field to access a list of already defined Reasons though Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'RJ') option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Reason from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Reason Code.
Specify remarks if any related to the rejection.
Click on the field. Now start typing in your text in the white space. Press <TAB>.
Following grid will be displayed -
While 'Adding' this grid will be populated with all the authorized QCs through which the processed Parent Item has been rejected due to Raw Material. Please note that QCs of only those Parent Items will be displayed that have Child Items linked with the selected Vendor.
In case of 'View', and 'Edit', this grid will be automatically populated and displayed with Items and other related details belonging to the selected Vendor Rejection Note.
Please note following fields. Some of the fields are for your information purpose.
QC Ref No:
Automatically displays the QC details of the received processed Parent Item in format of Year/Group/Site/Number for your reference. It can not be changed.
QC Date:
Automatically displays the Date of the QC Document for your reference. It can not be changed.
Parent Item Code:
Automatically displays the Item Code of the received process Parent Item for your reference. It can not be changed.
Parent Item Description:
Displays the description of the Parent Item Code.
Child Item Code:
Automatically displays the Code of the rejected Child Item due to which the Parent Item was also rejected during QC Entry for your reference. It can not be changed.
Child Item Name:
Displays the description of the Child Item Code.
Automatically displays the GRN details through which the processed Parent Item has been received in the format of Year/Group/Site/Number for your reference. It can not be changed.
Alrd Rej Qty (IUOM):
Automatically displays the till now rejected quantity of the Parent Item in Internal Unit of Measurement for your information. You can not change it.
GRN Ref No:
Denotes the material GRN Number against which the rejected Child Item was received.
Click on the field to access a list of authorized GRNs through which the Child Item has been received. Select your desired GRN Number from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the GRN Document Code in the format of Year/Group/Site/Number. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Number has been entered or not.
GRN Date:
Automatically displays the Date of the GRN document for your reference. It can not be changed.
WO Number:
Automatically displays the Work Order details of the Parent Item in the format of Year/Group/Site/Number for your reference. It can not be changed.
GRN Date:
Automatically displays the Date of the selected material GRN for your information. You can not change it.
PO Ref No:
Denotes the PO Number against which the Child Item has been received.
Click on the field to access a list of authorized Purchase Orders against which the GRN has been done for the Child Item. Select your desired PO Number from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the PO Document Code in the format of Year/Group/Site/Number. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Number has been entered or not.
PO Date:
Automatically displays the Date of the selected PO for your information. You can not change it.
Rej Due to Raw Material IUOM:
Automatically displays the Rejection quantity of the Parent Item as entered through QC Entry option of Sub Contracting Module in Internal Unit of Measurement for your information. You can not change it.
Rej Due to Raw Material PUOM:
Automatically converts and displays the 'Rej Due to Raw Material IUOM' into Purchase Unit of Measurement by using the Purchase Conversion Factor as entered through Item Master Purchase - Entry option of Purchase Module. You can not change this field.
Rej IUOM :
(Type : Numeric, Length : 9.4)
Denotes the quantity of Parent Item being rejected through this document.
Click on the field. Now enter the quantity of Parent Item to be Rejected. The sum of 'Alrd Rej Qty(IUOM)' and 'Rej IUOM' should not be more than the 'Accepted Qty (IUOM)'.
Automatically converts and displays the Rejected Quantity (Internal Unit of Measurement ) into Purchase Unit of Measurement by using the Purchase Conversion Factor as entered through Item Master Purchase - Entry option of Purchase Module. You can not change this field.
Reason Code:
Specify the reason of rejection.
Click on the field to access a list of already defined Reasons though Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'RJ') option in Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Reason from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Reason Code.
Specify remarks if any related to the rejection.
Click n the field. Now start typing in your text in the white space. Press <TAB>.
Click on
button to continue.
Screen Layout of Attachment
Field Description of Attachment Detail
Click on the
button to upload all the attached Files.
Once you have entered all the information
related to the Vender Rejection Note, click on 'Save'
button to save it or
'Cancel' icon to discard. The control will go back to the list.